Tisha, Miniature Pinscher
Tisha is 15 years old.
He spent all his life beside his owner. He stayed with her for 15 years. For 15 years he was her friend, who accepted everything that was happening throughout that time. Bad mood, joy, problems at work, family problems, birthdays all integral parts of a real family.
Fifteen years is not even a little life , it s a very long period during which a creature living beside you becomes part of you. The creature that worships you. The creature that trusts you implicitly. Thecreaturethat Thelistisendless.
Tisha s owner decided to go on a vacation. She applied to the shelter asking to take the dog temporarily while she ll be away.
Thevacationended.Shecameback.She came to the shelter and in the presence of the people who were at that time in the shelter and who were looking at her with surprise, incomprehension and helplessness, she wrote the letter of renunciation she didn t need the dog any more.
Fifteen years is an old age to a dog. And now this baby can t understand what happened, he is shocked.
When Tisha was being carried away from his owner, he was crying. And she was writing the renunciation letter at that time .
He quietly gazes through the grill of the cage at the shelter workers passing by, and he can t understand why he has been betrayed after the 15 years.
Tisha needs a family very much!!! He s suffering in the shelter. Dogs of this age usually sleep in an armchair most of the time. He is very light. When being walked, he always goes beside you.